Career Assessments

I conduct career & aptitude assessments. My assessment package consists of the following:

First Appointment (1 hr30 min – 2 hrs)

  1. Biographical Information
  2. Career Assessment
  3. Aptitude Assessment
  4. Value Scales Assessment

Based on the above information, a 4-6 page report is compliled. A second appointment will be scheduled for the following week.

Second Appointment (20 – 30 min)

  1. Report & Report Back
  2. Discussion
  3. Advice on Subject Choice (Grade 9) / Degree/Diploma Choice (Grade 10 – 12)
  4. Universities of Interest

Who should have a Career Assessment?

  1. Grade 9: This will assist in subject choice for Grade 10 – 12 as well as career choice.
  2. Grade 10 – 12: This will assist and direct with career choice.
  3. Anyone who hasn’t studied yet and wants to know what direction to go in, as well as anyone wanting a career change.
CAREER ASSESSMENT                                              R 3 000.00 Cash *
(* this can be claimed back from Medical Aid provided there are sufficient funds)

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” 
– Benjamin Franklin